Saturday 13 January 2024

Organ Bench

I had to wait until mid afternoon for a couple of bits to turn up. Once they had I planned my organ bench build. The top is 140cm by 35cm. I rounded the corners off with a jigsaw to create a nicer shape.

I then used an oscillating spindle sander to smooth the curve to my pencil line. these tools are invaluable if you are doing curves ot enlarging holes. After this I hand sanded with 80, 120, and 240 grits to make sure everything was smooth.

The bench top then received a 1/2" roundover on both sides and more hand sanding to make it smooth.

The MDF part showing at the moment is going to receive some white paint but I may introduce a slight curve along the front edge yet.
I am taking my inspiration from Gaudi's serpentine bench at Park Guell in Barcelona but it also needs to be practical to sit at and use the pedalboard. The legs are going to be made tomorrow and I need to decide where to place the speaker bar. I will probably introduce some fancy curves on the legs.

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Nearly Organlike

It is starting to get there. Now to decide where things will go, where to cut curves on the top. How much to adjust the bench down, etc