Saturday 6 January 2024

Gaudiesque Cavaille-Coll inspired Build

I have been a member of Contrebombarde "gooseh" for many years. There you can see my original organ build. Gooseh I won't post pictures of the 'upgrade' I did which was actually a downgrade!

Several years ago I set out to turn my two Behringer UMX61 keyboards perched on my chest of drawers into a Hauptwerk organ. It started off as a simple table like design with two manuals, which quickly became three. I added a pedalboard and a Behringer FCB1010 foot controller to the setup. I was happyish with this but thought I could do better. A year or so later I moved house and set out to rebuild it. However, I rushed, lost patience and things got in the way so the sub-par replacement has never been finished nor very good.

I finally aim to end this by building an organ that suits my requirements. Using the hardware I already have for the PC and adding new speakers I hope to finally get a playable organ.

Inspired by Content Cambiare 315 I was going to build a simple cabinet style organ. But while I like the sleek look and it would be easy to build, I like the unique and to embellish. I have woodworking tools and a few years experiencein making things. But I wanted to challenge myself and make something that would fit my requirements but look good in the room and not an eyesore box that could be mistaken for a wardrobe.

I've always been inspired by contrasting dark and light wood together in a project. My dream a while back was to own or make a Rickenbacker guitar in walnut and maple. Or any kind of guitar like that. My house also has white staircase with dark wood hand rails. Through my love of visiting old stately homes in England I like the combination of white and gold as well as dark wood. But I didn't want something to be completely white or with a few gold bits on - that would remind me too much of cheap furniture of the past with very cheap looking white and gold plastic features.

I have in my mind what I want the organ to generally look like. Whether I can make it a reality depends on my patience and not losing focus. I have liked French organs for a long time and especially the Caen organ which I visited many many years ago. The organ will be three manuals. It will have speakers for the Great/Pedal, Swell and Positive and maybe one day a set for the far samples. It will have three touchscreens - an existing 22" which will sit behind a music desk to do menial computer tasks and also to use as a screen for sheet music on the computer. It will also have two smaller 12" touchscreens either side to act as the stop controls. I did think of finding a way to add pistons, or to use some Korg Nanokey 2 as button stops. But I wanted a sort of sleek design and touchscreens suited several sample sets easier.

The main use of the Organ will be for the Caen sampleset ( I may add Warrington Cavaille-Coll too). I aim to try and turn some piano sustatin pedals into Cavaille-Coll type foot switches. However, I have no use for Tremolo or Orage that Caen has so will probably change one to control the 32' stops and maybe the other to turn reeds on and off. I haven't completely decided on that yet. The FCB1010 will control volume and act as Swell.

So where does the Spaniard Antoni Gaudi come in? Well I like some of his things. The curves. The elaborate. The use of nature. I hope to take inspiration from some of his buildings to make a truly unique organ that is both functional and nice to look at. It may end up being a complete failure or mess. But hopefully what I have in my mind comes to life and even if no one else likes it atleast maybe I might!!!

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Nearly Organlike

It is starting to get there. Now to decide where things will go, where to cut curves on the top. How much to adjust the bench down, etc