Tuesday 16 January 2024

Jigsaw Tips

A lot of curves are cut with a jigsaw for this project. I used to have a cheap bandsaw but it never ran right, was frequently breaking blades and a nightmare to setup. A good bandsaw would be better than a jigsaw for getting smooth flowing curves. But a cheap jigsaw is less stress than a cheap and poor bandsaw.

I recommend getting a variable speed jigsaw, with pendulum and a locking trigger. This last feature makes it easier to hold your jigsaw steady and guide it. Use both hands, let the jigsaw do the work apply even pressure with both hands when moving it.

Also make sure your piece is firmly clamped down. I recommend one handed quick clamps as they allow pieces to be moved and adjusted quickly. Also dont have too much of the piece you are cutting unsupported.

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Nearly Organlike

It is starting to get there. Now to decide where things will go, where to cut curves on the top. How much to adjust the bench down, etc